With every plague, the Egyptian people suffered terribly. However, the Israelites- God's chosen people- were not hurt by the plagues at all. God protected them every single time!

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Moses went to see the king one last time and gave him a message from God. "At about midnight, I will go throughout Egypt. Every firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the oldest son of the king to the oldest child of the poorest slave AND all the firstborn of the farm animals. Nothing will happen to the Israelites - not to the people or the animals. When this happens, you will beg us to leave and I will go!"
After Moses had left the palace, God spoke to him
and Aaron. "Tell all of the people that on the tenth day of this month, they are to take a lamb for each household. On the fourteenth day, each household will slaughter their lambs at twilight. Then they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and the lintel of the houses in which they eat it. They should eat the lamb that same night and eat it roasted with unleavened bread and bitter herbs." The people were not to leave any leftovers and they were to eat their meal quickly and be dressed for travel.
Unleavened bread is bread that hasn't risen. It's flat like a cracker or pita bread. You may have friends who celebrate Passover and during this time they eat matzoh instead of regular bread.
The Passover of the Lord
God said to Moses, "This is the passover of the Lord. I will pass through the land of Egypt that night and I will strike down the firstborn in the land of Egypt both the people and the animals. The blood on the door will be a sign on the houses where you live. When I see the blood, I will pass over you and no plague shall destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt."
Are you the oldest child in your family? What about your parents? If your family did not listen to God's command, who would be left and who would be gone?
Follow this link to learn about how the Israelites escaped!
Isn't the Prince of Egypt's depiction of the 10th plague haunting and well-done? It must have been so sad.