The story begins with Moses and a burning bush.
One day, Moses was taking care of his father-in-law's sheep and goats. He decided to take them out in the desert to Mt. Sinai, which was a very holy place. While he was there, he saw a burning bush, but even though the bush was on fire, it didn't burn up. Moses thought this was very strange so he decided to check it out.
What would you do if you saw a burning bush? Tell us in the comments section down below.
A Stick Turns into a Snake

After God called him to free his people, Moses went to Egypt and found his brother Aaron. Together they went to see the king (who was called the Pharaoh). When the two brothers got to the palace, the king demanded that they perform a miracle for him.
God had told Moses what to do and so Aaron threw his walking stick down in front of the king and it turned into a snake! Then the king called in his magicians, who used their secret powers to do the same thing and their sticks turned into snakes. This was impressive, but then Aaron's snake swallowed theirs. People were amazed, but even though they had shown the king the power of God, he refused to listen to Moses and Aaron.
The Nile River Turns into Blood
Even though the Pharaoh hadn't listened to him, God told Moses to go back to see the king again. "Take the stick that turned into a snake and wait beside the Nile River for the king. When you see him, tell him that I want him to free my people. If he doesn't pay attention, tell him that 'The Lord is going to do something to show you that he really is the Lord.' Then take the stick and hit the river with it. When you do that, the river will turn into blood. All the fish will die, the river will stink, and none of the Egyptians will be able to drink the water."
The Egyptians had to dig holes along the banks of the Nile for drinking water, because they couldn't drink the river water. Even so, the king refused to listen to Moses and he wouldn't free the Israelites.
A week later, God sent Moses to the king again. The Lord said "Go to the palace and tell the king of Egypt that I order him to let my people go, so they can worship me. If he refuses, I am going to cover the entire country with frogs. The river will be full of frogs, but they won't stay there! The frogs will come into the palace and get into his bed. There will be frogs in everyone's home. They will find frogs in their ovens and frogs in their bread dough. There will be frogs crawling on everyone- the king, his workers and every citizen of Egypt."
Tell us what you would do if you saw a burning bush down in the Comments section.
If I saw a burning bush I would want to get closer, but I'm not sure I would remember to take off my shoes even if I was told to do it. I wonder if Moses tried to touch the bush?
ReplyDeleteIf I saw a burning bush I would tell someone because I would think it would burn other things around it.