More about Moses

The king sent for Moses and promised that if Moses got rid of the frogs, he would free God's people.  But when the frogs were gone, the king changed his mind- again!

God said to Moses, “Tell Aaron to hit the ground with his walking stick, and when he does, all the dust in Egypt will turn into gnats.” (Gnats are those little tiny bugs that you sometimes see in summer time and they usually fly in big groups.)

When Aaron did what God had said, gnats were everywhere. They swarmed around the people and all the animals.  It was horrible. 

A Swarm of Gnats
At first the king thought he could put up with the gnats, but after a while it got too creepy.  All those buzzing little bugs getting in your eyes or up your nose! The king agreed to let the people go, but as soon as the gnats were gone, he changed his mind again. This happened over and over.  With each new plague the king would make promises to let the people go and then when life got back to normal, he would change his mind.

There were seven more plagues.


Livestock Got Diseases
All of the cows, sheep, goats, camels, horses and donkeys got sick and died.

Boils are nasty red infected sores.  They can be very painful.  The pictures on the internet are so ugly, I decided not to include one. Blech!

Thunder, Hail and Lightning
Not only was the storm frightening, hail damages crops, buildings and can injure people and animals.

Locusts are a lot like grasshoppers, except more obnoxious.  Any plants that weren't destroyed by the hail were probably eaten by the locusts.


Which of the first nine plagues did you think was the creepiest? Which one would have been the hardest for you to ignore?  Why? Tell us what you think in the Comments section.

1 comment:

  1. I think the boils are really gross, but I hate gnats! They get in everything and you can't squish em.
