What do we get when we have Communion?

Why do we take communion? The best answer, is probably because Jesus told us to do it. He invited us to remember him this way.  But we're human, so we like more information. What's in it for us?  Do we get anything? Maybe that sounds a little pushy, but you know we all do it.  Your mom tells you to do something and before you do it, you want to know why?  

Luther's Small Catechism talks about the benefits of communion in the third question.  What is the benefit of such eating and drinking?

A benefit is a good thing.  It's something you get because of something else.  For example...
  • My husband Matt gets free uniforms at work AND they wash them.  That's a good thing!
  • If you show your school ID card at the movie theater, your ticket is cheaper.  That's a benefit of being a student!
  • Our dentist has video games in his waiting room.  That's a benefit of choosing him instead of another dentist.
So Martins's #3 question asks, what are the good things that you get from taking communion?  This is his answer.

The words given for you and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins show us that forgiveness of sin, life, and salvation are given to us in the sacrament through these words, because where there is forgiveness of sin, there is also life and salvation.

There are three things that we are given.  What are they?  Do you need these things?  Sometimes people think they don't need these gifts. Do you need forgiveness of sin?  From the time you wake up in the morning, how long do you think it took you to do something sinful?

Those kids had a reason to be cranky since their parents were trying to trick them, but how often have you given your parents a hard time when it's time to get up in the morning?  We've all done it and when we treat other people in a way that's not nice, we're being sinful. In the case of this video, the adults are the ones who need to be forgiven.

Can you think of some of the little things we all do that are a sign of our brokenness?  Things that need forgiving?  Add them to the Comments.

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