HOW do you take Communion?

First of all, there isn't just one way to have communion. 
  • Churches use different kinds of bread.  Some churches use wine and some use grape juice.  
  • The way that you get the bread and the wine isn't the same everywhere.  Some people stand, others sit, some kneel.
  • Different churches use different dishes.
  • The way we describe what happens in communion isn't the same as everybody else.
All of these differences don't mean there is a right or wrong way to do things.  Even in the Lutheran church there are a lot of differences.  In class we will talk about these differences some more, but the important thing is to remember what we agree on. We believe Jesus invited us to be a part of this meal and we agree that this is a good thing!

This video shows one way that people receive communion.

In the comments section, compare this way of taking communion with how we do it at our church.  What's the same and what is different?


  1. Hi Pastor Heidi. This is very different. Why aren't they getting up and where is the pastor? I think I like our way better.

    1. Hi Lisa. There may be a fancier answer for this, but I think it's like any other meal that people eat together. At your house, there are probably traditions for Christmas dinner. There may be special dishes or tablecloths. You may eat in the dining room when you usually have family meals in the kitchen. Different families have different traditions that seem comfortable or "right" to them. Churches are kind of the same. As for the pastor, in this congregation, he was up at the front of the room.
